Friday, August 14, 2009

18. If I Stay

If I Stay, by Gayle Forman

I loved this book. It's short and totally engrossing, so you'll want to read it all in one stretch. Even though I read the jacket, I didn't really get what it was going to be about until I read it, and I'm not sure what I should say about it in order not to spoil anything.

The main character, Mia, plays the cello well enough to get into Julliard, has a family she loves, and a great boyfriend. (Isn't it nice to read a young adult book with a functional family?) She's a little serious and nerdy, but she's pretty happy with her life. The only thing stressing her out is deciding whether to pursue her music or stay with her boyfriend after high school. Then, all of a sudden, everything changes and she has a completely different, much more difficult decision to make.

Do not read this in public. Have tissues on hand. Stay hydrated.

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