Thursday, January 31, 2008

2. The Break-up Diet

The Break-up Diet, by Annette Fix (August, 2008)

I finally got my first Early Reviewers book a few days ago, and decided to read a few chapters last night. Well, just over two hours passed by and I was finished with the whole thing.

I don't really think of my posts here as reviews, but that's what I signed up to do on LibraryThing. My reviews are pretty brief, but probably a little more meaty than the two sentences you often get from Publisher's Weekly.

This memoir reads like chick lit, the good kind. I kept forgetting it wasn't a novel as I read it. Every "character" feels real and Annette's voice is really authentic. It's a quick read and fun, even when working through some really tough, emotional stuff. It's not the kind of thing I usually read, but enjoyed it. If you like Jennifer Weiner's work (and I definitely do), you'll probably like this.

1 comment:

Annette said...


I'm so glad you liked my memoir! Thank you for your nice comments. =) I have to admit, I had my book title set up in Google alerts because I knew it was out with reviewers, so that's how I found out about your post so quickly. ;-)

I noticed you have it listed as August 2008 in your header. It actually goes on sale on Valentine's Day.

Until then, Amazon doesn't accept review postings, even though it's available for pre-order.

Could you please post your kind words on Library Thing, and then at Amazon on or after Feb. 14th?

Thanks! =)

Love, Peace, and Happiness,
Annette Fix